Securing the Nation
With Advanced Engineering
Secured Mobile Communications
Protecting vital communication links
Tactical Advantage
Enhancing situational awareness
As a DoD prime integrator, we recognized the significant deficit of US-made computing systems in defense supply chains and took on the challenge of becoming a producer of secure US-made High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems. With our experience as a National Security Agency Trusted Integrator under the Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) program, GTS has developed two lines of secure and trusted low-SWAP HPC with our NXGEN line of CSfC computing and the GTS High Performance Computers. These systems make up our modular and extensible enterprise class hyper-converged, hyper-scale edge and core compute systems. In addition to systems integration, we perform under Prime contracts, we are also a component manufacturer of the HPC line of products.
Global Technical Systems
421 S. Birdneck Rd.