Securing the Nation
With Advanced Engineering
Secured Mobile Communications
Protecting vital communication links
Tactical Advantage
Enhancing situational awareness
Solutions for Classified (CSfC) is a NSA-sponsored program that enables
commercial components to be used to protect classified National Security
Systems information.
Commercial Solutions for Classified is founded on the principle that properly configured,
layered solutions can provide adequate protection of classified data in a
variety of different applications. NSA develops, approves, and publishes
solution-level specifications and provides architectures, component criteria,
and configurations to meet Information Assurance (IA) requirements.
As part of Commercial Solutions for Classified, the NSA has developed sets of
Capability Packages (CPs) in order to provide their customers with ready access
to the information needed to satisfy their operational requirements. CPs
contain product-neutral information that allow customers to successfully
implement their own solutions.
Current CPs include the Mobile Access CP, Campus WLAN CP, Virtual Private
Network (VPN) CP, and Data at Rest CP. Using the information in the CPs,
GTS can create an architecture with specific commercial products configured in
a particular manner to support the Government entity's specific security
GTS has designed a Commercial Solutions for Classified product (NXGEN) and can
create an architecture in a clearly defined and approved manner to support the
specific Government customer's specific security requirements. GTS can
assist agency clients to transform the capabilities to deliver and support full
dynamic mobility and CSfC secured services.
If you would
like to receive a CSfC Implementation Overview, please submit a request
utilizing the 'Contact Us' option below.
Global Technical Systems
421 S. Birdneck Rd.